Body contouring procedures often give the greatest patient satisfaction. Contour problems such as excess skin or fat in the abdomen, arms, legs and buttock areas are among Dr. Merrick’s most successful procedures. A wide variety of techniques are used in a customized approach to help you achieve your goals.
Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed and is the gold standard for recontouring the abdomen. It is designed to contour the tummy region by removing extra skin and fat as well as tightening the tummy muscles. The tummy tuck procedure can significantly enhance the body’s contour and self confidence. At times, it can also improve quality of life.
Liposuction can be performed in the office to reduce mild irregularities in contour resulting from small to moderate sized pockets of excess fat. This can be done with oral sedation and local anesthesia. Liposuction is also used in conjunction with other procedures such as a tummy tuck or breast lift to enhance beauty and fine tune our results.
The thigh lift is the only procedure that can recontour the thigh to a great extent. It reduces the extra skin and fat that cannot be removed by liposuction alone. This procedure achieves a smoother look and a more pleasing contour for your thighs and lower body. Patients that have sagging skin from weight loss or large bulk with poor skin tone are good candidates.

Arm lift or Brachioplasty surgery involves removal of extra skin and fat from the upper arm area. It also tightens and contours underlying supportive tissue of the upper arm. Although exercise can help tone your arm muscles, too much skin excess will never smooth out regardless of your diet and exercise program. Dr. Merrick can help these patients with a Brachioplasty procedure to achieve the desired arm contours.
A panniculectomy is a reconstructive, not cosmetic procedure for removal of massive abdominal tissue usually after massive weight loss. In certain circumstances, this can be covered by insurance. With massive weight loss excessive tissue often remains that, regardless of diet and exercise, will not go away. Surgical removal is individually tailored to each patient to achieve their desired abdominal contours.